Online Classes

Dance for Wellbeing

Louise has integrated her vast experience in working in special needs services in designing a workshop specifically for participants on the Autism Spectrum Disorder, and also for individuals with wider special needs. She currently runs these workshops in person for various disability services

What's Involved
This workshop starts with gentle stretching movements to release tension. More dynamic stretches follow along with a playlist which I have carefully crafted for a maximum feel-good experience. It ends with a mini-relaxation which leaves you with a feeling of calm and wellbeing.

This Dance for Wellbeing class has been developed through 10 years of my work in wellbeing group facilitation in Special Needs services, the prison service, youth mental health and through psychology, yoga and mindfulness training.

What you will need

A chair/cushion if you wish to sit for beginning stretches and end relaxation

Sufficient space to allow free movement for partcipants


Contact for further details.